All ELENA project partners gathered together in Laufen, Germany to prepair for the teacher trainings which are going to be launched in a short time. On the event Virág Suhajda, PhD (researcher and developer), Levente Turóczi (executive director) and Judit Ratz (project manager) participated on behalf of Rogers Foundation. On the four-day-long workshop we went deep into the miraculous world of the dogs/wolves, earthworms and ants with the help of external experts and the playful exercises developed by project partners.
For example there was a role play, where we had to argue for and against the reintroduction of wolves as environmental activists, foresters, hunters, rangers, protected area managers and mayors. We also built worm habitat and tried out what would happen, if we escaped from a burning building using the method of ants. On the event we learned a lot about practical arrangements as well. For example we got to know that the very attractive tropical butterflies are not the best choise for us to use: on the one hand they are alien species here in Europe, so let them back to nature is not allowed, and on the other hand the imagos live only for a few days, so it can happen easily that they will die during our investigations in the class.
The developing of the Hungarian modules are going on continuously by Hungarian partners Rogers Foundation and Junior Achievement Hungary, based on these new information and own experiences and also considering the results of the piloting process at Rogers Academy. After the teacher training in early May in Szeged teachers will try out the modules in their own classes. The final versions will include their suggestions as well and will get ready and aviable on our homepage by the beginning of 2016.
From 7th to 9th May Hungary started in Szeged the first national teacher training in activities with living animals, Now the basics were set, that "wolves", earthworm and ants will become part of classroom routine.
The first ELENA teacher training kicks off in Hungary bringing educators together to incorporate live animals in the classroom.
7-8-9 May 2015: The participating teachers started their 3 day exploration into the ways live animals can become part of classroom routine. The 3 Hungarian modules focusing on wolves, dogs, earthworms and ants provided them with a great variety of tools and methods to be tested after returning home to their schools and classes. The action packed training offered the participants numerous hands on activities with the support and guidance of experts specializing in the field.
The highly motivated teachers in Germany pick up the new ELENA ideas for activities with living animals with joy and enthusiasm. During the three days of training were one highlight: The Romanian idea of building up an ant farm in a jar. And the german butterfly expert Ottmar Wanninger answered with the “Biscuits Hotel” for Butterflies - a very simply idea for students, to construct a Butterfly Habitat within an old biscuit box.
ELENA goes on. Targeting at its aim!
According to the ELENA motto - Face to face to nature – the four participating nations are facing their aim. At the latest meeting in Sibiu (Romania) the individual national teaching modules and activities were developed further. One highlight from the University of Sibiu (ULBS), our charming Romanian host of the workshop: Building up an ant farm in a jar.
Left: Practice for practice: ELENA-partners are testing the Romanian’s police dog training as a possible activity for the wolf/dog chapter.