Proiectul european Comenius centralizat cu titlul Experiential Learning and Education for Nature Awareness (ELENA) a ajuns la noi etape.
During the 3rd International Engineering and Technology Education Conference, held at Sibiu, Romania during 2-4 of November entitled "The role of engineering/technology and business education in an uncertain future" it was plenary presented the paper produced under ELENA Project and entitled "New Skills in Education for Biodiversity Conservation in Romania". The conceptual framework for Romania was defined by taking into account the background information for capacity building in order to reach the objectives of ELENA project. The Conference was attended by 128 professionals from more than 20 countries all over the world (including America, Europe, India, Africa, Asia and Australia).
Download original scanned press: Are we responsible for the animals?
The present article can be found in the online Zsiráf magazine, pages 12-14.
Universitatea "Lucian Blaga" din Sibiu a devenit partener din partea României în cadrul unui proiect transeuropean care are drept scop "conștientizarea și responsabilitatea elevilor pentru natură".
An article published in a rather popular Hungarian magazine for school children and their educators called Szitakötő. Since its primary target audience are the children and the teachers I had to choose a style and topic that raises their interest, and the editor’s wish was to focus on the ants in particular.